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ACCOUNT NR: 62277574705
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What a full and blessed 3 months we have had it has been an absolute pleasure hosting our winter intake and seeing them thrive! We started July so excited to receive our new students who arrived eager to learn, grow, make meaningful connections, and of course surf!
June through October is surf contest season in SA and our winter intake has had the opportunity to get right in the thick of it starting with the SA longboard champs. The second opportunity was the SA junior champs, the event was held right at Point, hosting great waves and the best young surfers in the country.
Our students and the CS service team did an amazing job and experienced what goes into putting on a professional sporting event. But most importantly our students were able to make meaningful connections and learn what it means to serve others while representing Christ! –
With the new CS chapter starting up in Jbay, our CSALT students were eager to help and serve, using skills they gathered during surf contests and lectures the students were a great addition to the weekly meet-ups and essential in making it a success. Bringing their willingness to serve, leadership skills, and fun atmosphere! The groms love our students and will be sad to say goodbye soon.
We had 2 successful trips out to other surf communities! In July we headed to Vic Bay in the Garden Route where scored some waves and drank good coffee. On the first night of the trip, we had a braai with the budding CS community in Vic Bay, where we connected, shared life stories, and encouraged each other in our faith. We also had the opportunity to run a session at Local Motion, a project for underprivileged high school students using surfing as a tool in their life and faith development journeys. In September we packed the van with boards, Surfers Bibles, and froth, and missioned to Cape Town!
We challenged this intake with an opportunity to take everything they had learned in leadership lectures and while serving on trips, and at contests to plan and execute their very own community CS event of their choice. Following the release of the new Surfers Bibles our students put their heads together to host a Surfers Bible Launch. Complete with a guest speaker and presentation, donation collecting, a tuck shop stand, promotional stickers, and more! The event was a huge success. It was a blessed time to raise awareness of the Bibles, hand out Bibles as missional tools, and pray over the project as a CS mission in Jeffrey’s Bay.
Taking the time to reflect on this past three-month intake. It is evident that not only were their lives impacted, but they truly had a great impact on the local community of Jeffreys Bay and wherever the program took them.